What If No One Is At Fault For My Injury?
Let our experienced attorneys who have over 30 years of experience help you determine whether you have a case or not. Our experience will help us guide you in deciding whether or not you should make a claim for your injuries. Although it is true that not every person who is injured will have a viable claim for legal action, sometimes people falsely believe that no one is at fault for the accident that caused their injuries. While it may appear that your injury was a result of a simple accident, a lawyer’s review of the facts may show that there actually is an at-fault party.
If you or a loved one has been injured or fallen ill for any reason, it is in your best interest to discuss the circumstances with a lawyer (even if you think no one is to blame). You may be surprised to find that you have been wronged and deserve compensation under the law. Call or email our Florida maritime accident lawyers at Munch and Munch, P.A., for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your injury or illness and whether you have a potential case.