Many auto accidents are caused by distracted driving. A driver may not be giving their actions sufficient attention when they take their eyes off the road, hands off the wheel or mind off of driving. An auto accident can happen in only a few seconds of distracted...
Unparalleled Experience In Admiralty And Maritime Injury Law
Month: May 2023
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Potential hazards for harbor workers
The maritime industry in and around Tampa, Florida provides the community with numerous jobs. This work extends to much more than working aboard ships; there are also harbors to maintain, containers to unload and more. Unfortunately, this type of work does not come...
What is “maintenance and cure” for an injured seaman?
Serious injuries happen all the time to workers on ships and other maritime vessels – and the right to “maintenance and cure” is one of the most important benefits that an injured seaman can have under the Jones Act. Generally speaking, to qualify as a seaman, 30% or...